Chinese Zodiac Hours
.It's commonly realized that every year is related with a Chinese zodiac creature, yet in Chinese culture the 12 zodiac creatures are additionally connected with hours of a day.
In antiquated times, to say what time it is, individuals partitioned every day into twelve 2-hour durations, and assigned a creature to address every period, as per every creature's "extraordinary time".
As per Chinese soothsaying, however not prominently utilized, an individual's character and life is more settled by his/her introduction to the world hour than year. The zodiac hour is generally utilized for character and fate examination.
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Goat | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Pig |
11pm | 1am | 3am | 5am | 7am | 9am | 11am | 1pm | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm | 9pm |
to | to | to | to | to | to | to | to | to | to | to | to |
1am | 3am | 5am | 7am | 9am | 11am | 1pm | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm | 9pm | 11pm |
Chinese Zodiac Hours VIDEO
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